Thursday, July 12, 2007

Helio Ocean vs iPhone

While not the same as checking Jim Rice's career batting average, this kind of counts as 'stats'.

Full disclosure: I own a Helio Ocean. And I am not saying the iPhone doesn't have its cool points. I've briefly fiddled with one and it is pretty cool. But, personally, I'm waiting for next generation or two of advances before I make that kind of investment.

Original, slightly larger and easier to read version of chart below appears here.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Jim Ed Rice -
"Slugger and a Hitter"

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Overall solid articlefrom Nick Cafardo in the Globe.

Including this nice nugget, courtesy of the Rem Dog:

"What Remy likes to point out is Rice was not only a slugger, he was a hitter. Rice is the only player in history with 35 or more homers and 200 or more hits in three consecutive seasons. He's one of 31 players with more than 350 homers and a .290-plus career batting average."

Originally posted 12/25/06

The Oil Equation -
Something to Think About

I heard a reporter from The Economist lay out pretty succinctly the big challenge the US faces re: oil/energy independence. Full interview can be found in the Jan 24, 2007 episode of the NPR Technology podcast. But, if I recall correctly, here is the reality of it:

The US consumes 25% of the world's oil and 50% of the world's gasoline.

The US sits on 3% of the world's known oil reserves.

That kind of sums it up right there. If we don't wish to be reliant upon foreign oil sources, we have a lot of work to do and we need to seriously modify our behavior as a nation. I won't be holding my breath. It's far too important for people to be seen driving their 4mpg SUVs on the 3 mile round trip to the grocery store.

Originally posted2/1/07